British teacher brings his Ukrainian family back to UK from Kyiv

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The 40-year-old Tatarsky, whose real name was Maxim Fomin, was accorded military honours including a gun salute and an army band at the funeral at Moscow’s Troyekurovskoye cemetery due to his past participation in military operations in eastern Ukraine alongside Moscow-backed separatists battling Kyiv’s forces.

In the wake of the invasion, the Kremlin has cracked down harder on dissent and the flow of information, arresting thousands of antiwar protesters, banning sites such as Facebook and Twitter, and handing out tough prison sentences for what it says is false reporting on the war, which Moscow refers to as a ‘special military operation.’

The theme is one Putin has frequently discussed, not least when he suggested in speeches before the invasion that Ukraine was an artificial construct and an ‘inalienable part’ of Russian history and culture.

Prigozhin is also known for his sharp criticism of Russia’s top brass over their performance in Ukraine. The Wagner group has been spearheading efforts in recent months to capture the city of Bakhmut in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region.

In his interview, Lukashenko – who allowed Russia to use his country as a staging post for the Ukraine invasion on February 24 – boasted that he and Putin were ‘friends’ as he bemoaned the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991. 

ICRC spokesman Jason Straziuso said the organization was in contact with Lvova-Belova “in line with its mandate to restore contact between separated families and facilitate reunification where feasible.”

‘The best confirmation of this is how our guys are fighting during this operation, shoulder to shoulder, helping each other. When it is necessary, they cover each-other as if it was their own brother from bullets.

He had initially vowed to stay put in Kyiv despite the constant blaring of air raid sirens and attacks on residential buildings, but decided to leave after hearing reports of Russian soldiers ‘raping’ Ukrainian women. 

In December, Rohingya refugees filed a $150 billion class-action complaint website in California, arguing that Facebook’s failure to police content and its platform’s design contributed to violence against the minority group in 2017.

In his speech, Putin quoted the Bible’s book of John, praising his troops in Ukraine. ‘The words from the sacred scripture come to my mind: “There is no greater love than if someone laid down his life for his friends,”‘ he said.

Putin is said to be furious at the slow pace of his campaign, which he had hoped to end within days given his country’s military superiority – on paper at least – and has fired at least eight generals since waging war on the former Soviet state, intelligence sources claim. 

Scrutiny over how it tackles abuse on its platforms intensified after whistleblower Frances Haugen leaked documents showing the problems Facebook encounters in policing content in countries that pose the greatest risk to users.

“Ultimately, Meta’s decisions should be shaped by its expectations under the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and not what is most economical or logistically sound for the company,” he said in emailed comments.

Vladimir Putin’s tub-thumping speech yesterday was likened to ‘Billy Graham meets North Korea’ by a Russian commentator, a reference to both the American Christian evangelist and Kim Jong-un’s propagandising rallies, while the YouTube live stream of the rally was flooded with critical comments.

Putin’s rally was quickly likened to similar massive marches held by North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong-Un, which are said to be attended by citizens who are given no other choice, as well as the massive evangelical rallies hosted by American minister Billy Graham in America.

MOSCOW, April 8 (Reuters) – Hundreds of mourners, including the leader of Russia’s Wagner private militia group, attended the funeral on Saturday of pro-war blogger Vladlen Tatarsky, who was killed on April 2 in a cafe bomb blast that Moscow has blamed on Ukraine.

BANGKOK/BEIRUT, March 17 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – F acebook’s decision to allow hate speech against Russians due to the war in Ukraine breaks its own rules on incitement, and shows a “double standard” that could hurt users caught in other conflicts, digital rights experts and activists said.

Putin fans in the crowd were seen waving banners emblazoned with the letter ‘Z’, which has been adopted as a symbol of the invasion and the Kremlin’s wider aim of restoring national pride through conquest

Video posted by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty shows military ambulances driving through the Belarusian city of Homel, with employees at the region’s clinical hospital alleging more than 2,500 bodies have been shipped back to Russia

Hassoo and fellow Yazidi activists compiled a report website that urged the United States and other nations to probe the role social media platforms including Facebook and YouTube played in crimes against their minority Yazidi community.

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